lunes, 23 de diciembre de 2013

Leaders 2014

Leaders... Be aware of what kind of leaders are you creating... Claudia Luna

There is a reality ... As sad as it may sound, truth is that not everyone can lead, and there is no substitute for natural talent... 

Only people full of virtues, that work very hard to achieve and is detach from criticism and flattering, can be free enough to open paths for others 

People with deep knowledge of themselves, that have traveled not only the world but also the intricate mazes of their minds... 

Those that have the courage to face their weakness, and yet remind strong. That failed and recovered, failed and overcome, failed and keep trying... 

Not everyone is an example... We learn from all but not all inspire us...

Leaders are extremely energetic and full of passion... A contagious kind of passion... 

They are open to try new things, not afraid to lose control and detached from results, although victory oriented... 

Those who have faith and surrender to the natural forces, for me will be God, for other will be the universe.
Because we are only instruments and we shouldn't climb to altars that don't appertain to us... 

All is vain if you don't have clear your mission. If you don't know why are you here for ... Then you are just surviving... 
Losing your time... And everybody else time... 

Leaders are committed. And busy with a propose. They don't spend hours in distractions, only a few minutes to oxygen... And keep going. 

In a world of unlimited options, of infinite possibilities, either you focus or you perish. 

And your lost is not an individual lost... One single soul that not reaches its dreams, affects all humanity. As well as one angry man can destroy thousands of fellows. 

And remember New Year ... New beginning. Always!!! 

No matter how difficult, erroneous, mediocre has your life been before... 
January still will start from
1 ... January 01 . Day one. 

As well as tomorrow starts from 00:00.
As well as next min, check your clock, starts  from 0. 

Meaning a new beginning every second. 
Make it worthy. Make it right Be wise. 

And never jeopardize your integrity, your sanity, your dreams, your time... 
They seldom be recovered. 

Be aware... Wake up... Reflect... Search... Move 

This are my wishes for you in this holidays ... 

God Bless you... All love 

Claudia Luna 
President Argentina's Investors Hub
Read me at

sábado, 14 de diciembre de 2013

The wind in my face

I know fear ... But passion drives me

What can I say to move you from inside... 
Which melodies are the ones that sound sweeter to your ears... 
Where do I have to travel to find your heart ...
What's the signs of the words that matches your language... 
Where in your body is located that irresistible point of not return... 

Do I know you... Or are you still hidden to me ...

sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

Free Soul

The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them.

Charles Bukowski

Y el miedo le dio lugar a la curiosidad... By Claudia Luna

Se feliz en el instante y ese instante será tu propia vida  Solo tu fuego interior te impulsa a volar. Si lo apagas, tu vida no tendrá senti...