What are you missing ..?
What things you do not get or you can not find, in you or in the others, Why aren't you happy, why you don't feel complete ...?
Don't you understand that your sufferings are as volunteers as your vices ..? Cease the childish comedy and accept the happiness of living.
Repeat within you that you're perfect, that things are as they should be in order for your soul to learn.
You are where you should be, and if this does not conform you ... Go, run, search, move ...
It's not that you don't have time, you have it in abundance and you waste.
Use your time in smart ways.
Time ... The most precious comodity ...
Be smart but humane, idealistic but not greedy.
Sensual, but not promiscuous, because remember that today they have their hands on your body, but soon someone will have your bones in theirs hands. Sooner than you may think.
Your beauty will go away, life will end... And only the soul remains eternally... Your soul and what it contains.
And remember. Do not seek outside what is not already inside. The goal is you, conquer your soul.
"He who is not master of himself is doomed to obey."
And when you find yourself, begin to give away what's contained in your soul. Feed the universe.
Since it is only noble to accumulate if your propose is to distribute.
And above all, do not discriminate. Close your mind to the prejudices and opens your heart to compassion. Look at the other. In his humanity. Do not define it. You're not God.
Quit clinging to frivolities.
As soon as we ignore the great pleasures of life, we begin to enjoy the small pleasures of life.
Do not be trapped in your house or in your city or in your mind ...
There is a vast world outside ... Search your door. Look for the door through that mean less wall. The wall is nonsense!
There is always more path, more space, more people...
Life puts you where there is, you get to choose that which built a you or which destroys you...
Fall in love with who "fascinates" you. No with who is nearby, or comfortable.
If your heart is half full or half empty, doesn't contains real love. Empty it completely and then fill it, full of love.
Because only if you can love unconditionally, you know how to love.
Live and love deeply. No more wasting seconds. Is already late.