A brand New Year...
I don't like advices, not to give them and certainly not to receive them. Most of my life's mistakes were made by following always my inner voice and silencing others
So, to share with you this year, as I usually write a New Year letter to my friends, I will not be cocky and annoying giving advises, I will just advice myself to remember all this, and maybe some of this words written to myself will echo into you.
Dear Claudia
Beware of the sin of ingratitude by avoiding the stress caused by trying to be what you are not, desiring to have what you have not and always chasing the carrot because you are an eternal unsatisfied.
Stop demanding so much from others always having this high expectations as if the world should be here to please you and evolve around you...
Try to disappear one day so you will face the sharp and tremendous fact that you are not by any means indispensable.
Everyone will give you according to his knowledge and his conscience. Accept all as a gift say thank you and move on.
Acknowledge one elementary truth, more than you will like ... is a lonely life.
Sometimes you will be just by yourself, and in your loneliness, if you really exercise it, you will find your meaning.
Avoid the neurotic need for crowds and their noises that shut down your thoughts. Learn to quiet your own waters... In solitude
You were born alone, even if you are a twin. You will die alone, except if you die in a tsunami. So... What's the point of so much panic about a few years, month or days by yourself
Don't abandon doubt. Expand it... Grow... you fool ! Stop shrinking by fear of questioning by desperate need of security, living life with a life vest as if you were sinking.
Shut up. Seriously, shut up would you... 80 % of the bullshit you say everyday, at least, it's unnecessary. If you will really know, you will cease talking.
Abandon those path that take you nowhere, you love to engage in nonsense, just to amuse yourself, with the complete ignorance that you are killing your time, the most precious commodity
Stop touching yourself when you really want to touch others... What a stupid narcissism ... Love, make love,even fuck, as much as possible, still I haven't found a better sensation than an shared orgasm.
Be the light in that room you enter, the fountain of energy, just because the world needs this type of people, this kind of passion.
Cry ... ask and lose, allow yourself to be rejected and ridiculously inadequate if that is what it takes to be honest. Lose your dignity but gain truth
Don't pretend you are strong because you prove everyday to be a weak clown, when nobody sees you, you do a lot of sheet to yourself and to others... But that's ok, nobody can be so strong we are humans and it's ok. But don't lie to yourself by pretending you are so great
But also remember that life is not for all... Neither Success or wealth or love. Those are prizes won with two virtues "Work and grace" if you don't have them, or you don't know how to earn them or are too lazy to search, don't blame others, is you, always you
This life is not for pussies... Or clowns. Or children pretending being adults running to cry to mommy every time something goes wrong
Well, the rest you can read it in the manuals and in the great wisdom books or in life's instruction articles, or in some stupid but full of truth quotes on Facebook or by joining a religion or ask your horoscope, as you like. As long as you are fulfilled, less ignorant than last year and expand your consciousness so you are not just surviving and taking space.
Either you are in or out... In the middle you are blocking the entrance, so make up your mind. But do it fast, is already later than you think
Sorry for the blunt delivery. Life is beautiful but only for those who have dare to learn seek and found ...
Clear your sight otherwise you will keep missing miracles
I wish you the best ... Blessing
Happy New Year