martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014

A Brand New Year... 2015

A brand New Year... 

I don't like advices, not to give them and certainly not to receive them. Most of my life's mistakes were made by following always my inner voice and silencing others 

So, to share with you this year, as I usually write a New Year letter to my friends, I will not be cocky and annoying giving advises, I will just advice myself to remember all this, and maybe some of this words written to myself will echo into you.

Dear Claudia

Beware of the sin of ingratitude by avoiding the stress caused by trying to be what you are not, desiring to have what you have not and always chasing the carrot because you are an eternal unsatisfied.   

Stop demanding so much from others always having this high expectations as if the world should be here to please you and evolve around you... 

Try to disappear one day so you will face the sharp and tremendous fact that you are not by any means indispensable. 
Everyone will give you according to his knowledge and his conscience. Accept all as a gift say thank you and move on. 

Acknowledge one elementary truth, more than you will like ... is a lonely life.
Sometimes you will be just by yourself, and in your loneliness, if you really exercise it, you will find your meaning.

Avoid the neurotic need for crowds and their noises that shut down your thoughts. Learn to quiet your own waters... In solitude

You were born alone, even if you are a twin. You will die alone, except if you die in a tsunami. So... What's the point of so much panic about a few years, month or days by yourself 

Don't abandon doubt. Expand it... Grow... you fool ! Stop shrinking by fear of questioning by desperate need of security, living life with a life vest as if you were sinking. 

Shut up. Seriously, shut up would you... 80 % of the bullshit you say everyday, at least, it's unnecessary. If you will really know, you will cease talking. 

Abandon those path that take you nowhere, you love to engage in nonsense, just to amuse yourself, with the complete ignorance that you are killing your time, the most precious commodity 

Stop touching yourself when you really want to touch others... What a stupid narcissism ... Love, make love,even fuck, as much as possible, still I haven't found a better sensation than an shared orgasm.

Be the light in that room you enter, the fountain of energy, just because the world needs this type of people, this kind of passion. 

Cry ... ask and lose, allow yourself to be rejected and ridiculously inadequate if that is what it takes to be honest. Lose your dignity but gain truth 

Don't pretend you are strong because you prove everyday to be a weak clown, when nobody sees you, you do a lot of sheet to yourself and to others... But that's ok, nobody can be so strong we are humans and it's ok. But don't lie to yourself by pretending you are so great 

But also remember that life is not for all... Neither Success or wealth or love. Those are prizes won with two virtues "Work and grace" if you don't have them, or you don't know how to earn them or are too lazy to search, don't blame others, is you, always you

This life is not for pussies... Or clowns. Or children pretending being adults running to cry to mommy every time something goes wrong 

Well, the rest you can read it in the manuals and in the great wisdom books or in life's instruction articles, or in some stupid but full of truth quotes on Facebook or by joining a religion or ask your horoscope, as you like. As long as you are fulfilled, less ignorant than last year and expand your consciousness so you are not just surviving and taking space. 

Either you are in or out... In the middle you are blocking the entrance, so make up your mind.  But do it fast, is already later than you think 

Sorry for the blunt delivery. Life is beautiful but only for those who have dare to learn seek and found ... 

Clear your sight otherwise you will keep missing miracles 

I wish you the best ... Blessing 

Happy New Year 



jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

A person... Una Persona... By Erich Fromm

A person who has not been completely alienated, who has remained sensitive and able to feel, who has not lost the sense of dignity, who is not yet "for sale", who can still suffer over the suffering of others, who has not acquired fully the having mode of existence - 

briefly, a person who has remained a person and not become a thing - cannot help feeling lonely, powerless, isolated in present-day society. He cannot help doubting himself and his own convictions, if not his sanity. He cannot help suffering, even though he can experience moments of joy and clarity that are absent in the life of his "normal" contemporaries. 

Not rarely will he suffer from neurosis that results from the situation of a sane man living in an insane society, rather than that of the more conventional neurosis of a sick man trying to adapt himself to a sick society. In the process of going further in his analysis, growing to greater independence and productivity,his neurotic symptoms will cure themselves.

Una persona que no ha sido completamente enajenada, que ha permanecido sensible y capaz de sentir, que no ha perdido el sentido de la dignidad, que todavía no está "en venta", que todavía puede sufrir por el sufrimiento de los demás, que no haya adquirido plenamente el "tener" como modo de existencia - 

Brevemente .., una persona que se ha mantenido "persona" y que no se ha convertido en una cosa - no puede dejar de sentirse sola, impotente, aislada en la sociedad de hoy. No puede dejar de dudar de sí misma y de sus propias convicciones, o su cordura. 

No puede evitar el sufrimiento, a pesar de que puede experimentar momentos de alegría y claridad que están ausentes en la vida de sus contemporáneos "normales". No pocas veces se sufre de la neurosis que resulta de la situación de un hombre cuerdo que vive en una sociedad demente, en lugar de sufrir la neurosis, más convencional, de un hombre enfermo tratando de adaptarse a una sociedad enferma. 

En el proceso de ir más allá en su análisis, es decir, de crecer hacia una mayor independencia y productividad, sus síntomas neuróticos se curarán a sí mismos.

Erich Fromm

viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

About Life and other intelligences ...

What are you missing ..?
What things you do not get or you can not find, in you or in the others, Why aren't you happy, why you don't feel complete ...?

Don't you understand that your sufferings are as volunteers as your vices ..? Cease the childish comedy and accept the happiness of living.

Repeat within you that you're perfect, that things are as they should be in order for your soul to learn. 
You are where you should be, and if this does not conform you ... Go, run, search, move ...

It's not that you don't have time, you have it in abundance and you waste.

Use your time in smart ways. 
Time ... The most precious comodity ...

Be smart but humane, idealistic but not greedy. 
Sensual, but not promiscuous, because remember that today they have their hands on your body, but soon someone will have your bones in theirs hands. Sooner than you may think. 

Your beauty will go away, life will end... And only the soul remains eternally... Your soul and what it contains.

And remember. Do not seek outside what is not already inside. The goal is you, conquer your soul.
 "He who is not master of himself is doomed to obey."

And when you find yourself, begin to give away what's contained in your soul. Feed the universe.
 Since it is only noble to accumulate if your propose is to distribute.

And above all, do not discriminate. Close your mind to the prejudices and opens your heart to compassion. Look at the other. In his humanity. Do not define it. You're not God.

Quit clinging to frivolities.
As soon as we ignore the great pleasures of life, we begin to enjoy the small pleasures of life.

Do not be trapped in your house or in your city or in your mind ...

There is a vast world outside ... Search your door. Look for the door through that mean less wall. The wall is nonsense!

There is always more path, more space, more people... 

Life puts you where there is,  you get to choose that which built a you or which destroys you... 

Fall in love with who "fascinates" you. No with who is nearby, or comfortable.

If your heart is half full or half empty, doesn't contains real love. Empty it completely and then fill it, full of love.

Because only if you can love unconditionally, you know how to love. 

Live and love deeply. No more wasting seconds. Is already late. 

De la Vida y otras Inteligencias...

Que es lo que te falta..? 
Que cosas no consigues o no encuentras, en ti o en los otros, que aún no eres feliz, que no te sientes completo..? 

Aún no comprendes que tus sufrimientos son tan voluntarios como tus vicios..?  Cesa esa comedia infantil y acepta la felicidad de vivir. Repite en tu interior que eres perfecto, que las cosas son como deben ser para que tu alma aprenda. Que estas donde debes, y si esto no te conforma... Vete, corre, busca, muévete... 

No es que no tienes tiempo, es que lo tienes en abundancia y lo malgastas. 

Se inteligente el el uso de tu tiempo. 
El tiempo... La más preciada comodity... 

Sé inteligente pero no cruel, idealista pero no ambicioso. 
Se sensual pero no promiscuo, porque recuerda que hoy pueden tener entre sus manos tu cuerpo, pero pronto alguien tendrá entre sus manos tus huesos. 

La belleza se acaba, la vida se va... Y sólo el alma perdura con lo que ella contiene. 

Y recuerda. No busques afuera lo que no esta adentro. La meta eres tú, conquista a tu alma.
 "El que no es dueño de sí mismo está condenado a obedecer." 
Y cuando ya te encuentres, comienza a dar lo que está encerrado en tu alma. Alimenta al universo. Ya que sólo es noble acumular si lo haces para repartir.

Y da a todos. No discrimines. Cierra tu mente a los prejuicios así tu corazón se abre hacia la compasión. Mira al otro. A su humanidad. No lo definas. No eres Dios.

Déjate de aferrarte a las frivolidades. 
Tan pronto como prescindimos de los grandes placeres de la vida, empezamos a disfrutar de los pequeños.

No te quedes atrapado ni en tu casa, ni en tu ciudad ni en tu mente... 

Hay un vasto mundo afuera...  Busca tu puerta. Búscale la puerta a ese muro sin sentido!

La vida te pone donde hay, al elegir te haces o te deshaces.
Enamórate de quién te encante. No de quien este cerca, o te quede cómodo.

Si tu corazón está medio lleno o medio vacío, no amas de verdad. Vacíalo por completo y luego llénalo de amor por completo.

Porque sólo si eres capaz de amar sin condiciones, sabes amar.

Vive y Ama profundamente. No más perdida de tiempo. Es ya muy tarde. 

Claudia Luna 

sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Come... Come closer

Come, come closer... I will tell you something...

We will die forever, is a fact, so LIVE fully !

You have a transcendent soul, so no matter what religion you chose, be GOOD ... Somebody out there is keeping count of your acts God if you are a believer, the Universe if you are not... So either Heaven or Karma... Will hit you eventually ! 

Forget about yesterday!!! Nothing you can do!!! Yesterday is Gone !!! So LET GO

Don't try to control... We are just dust in the wind... Can't control a thing ! So RELAX

Suffering is not avoidable so stop bitching and accept that something will happen to you , there will be pain, tears, failure... Don't be a baby. OVERCOME it! 

There is no way too far, not thing too difficult, just the conditioning of your mind, so go after your dream... MOVE

Nobody will do it for you. Sometimes they will abandon, so realize you are alone in the decision of what you do with your life... BE STRONG

Prevent your mind of going delusional ! So quit the paranoia, the susceptibility, the movies in your head... The World functions as it should and is not all about you !! So embrace REALITY ! 

NEVER QUIT  in the search of what you really want, because if you quit, that's it !! Gone forever. 

Forgive your parents !! Stop the endless travel to childhood ! You are an adult now ! Leave the psychiatrist's office !! ENOUGH of miseries and neurosis people !!!
You are waisting your life, there are some traumas so what ??? Everybody has some. 

If somebody doesn't like you, DOESNT LIKE YOU !!!! Nobody is obligated to like you!! If they do they will show you, search for you, pursue you, be with you... If they don't... THEY DONT WANT YOU !!! Wake up! They have mobile signal !!! They just don't want to call you. They have time! Just don't want to spend it with you!! So stop complaining, and OPEN up to others that may want you, give yourself another chance. 

Burn the bridges that takes you nowhere, and treasure those you need to cross everyday. Charity start at home. LOVE who loves you.

And stop living so bad... The world is yours, this day is new, change, change, CHANGE all the necessary until you become want you are meant to be... HAPPY



Who I was... Who I am... Who I'll be... Lo que era... lo que soy... lo que seré

I may not be who I ought to be...

I know I am not all that I want to be...

But I have come a long way from who I used to be... 

And I won't give up on becoming what I know I can be... 

Puedo no ser lo que debo ser ...

Sé que no soy todo lo que quiero ser ...

Pero he recorrido un largo camino desde lo que yo solía ser ...

Y no voy a renunciar a ser lo que yo sé que puedo ser ...


Y el miedo le dio lugar a la curiosidad... By Claudia Luna

Se feliz en el instante y ese instante será tu propia vida  Solo tu fuego interior te impulsa a volar. Si lo apagas, tu vida no tendrá senti...