domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Plan B . The great deceiver.

I don't have a plan B. It distracts me from plan A. Will Smith 

One of the problems  of our century is to manage"Time"...

There are too many options. The road diverts in so many ways that gets confusing without the certainty of where you are headed.

That's why I don't believe in  having plans B. You lose focus and end up jumping only with a safe net waiting to catch you in case of failure in the "jump". 

Of course is terrifying leaping in the unknown... With so many probable outcomes.
But you know the saying... "Not risk, no gain"... 

There is a great amount of magic in the secret geometry of chance, and commitment in your idea, is all you need to trigger the stream of events that will lead you to success. 

Conmitment is not the heavy burdened word you think. Is your warrent card... Is the tool that will help you to keep focus, and focus  lead to  consistency and this to achievement. 

Plus only when you are embedded in your idea, you are present, you can see it fully, you respect it. 

So... Time is priceless. Commit, focus, act... 

Claudia Luna 

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